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ISSP Labs & Research Center was established in 2015 with the aim of providing digital forensic investigation services, including collection, preservation, analysis, and presentation of computer-related evidence. 

It specializes in the analysis of computer networks security elements and systems, including penetration testing, investigation of cyber-attacks through collecting and analyzing evidence, analyzing malware samples, and finding indicators of compromise.

NotPetya Reverse

Get the full NotPetya Reverse Engineering Report

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Penetration Testing

We simulate an attack on your IT systems and networks to identify vulnerabilities that may pose risks for your organization and compromise mission and business critical assets. Penetration testing allows revealing vulnerabilities an attacker could exploit to gain access to your environment and systems. The penetration testing results will provide a picture of vulnerabilities which your organization is exposed to. Pentesting will also help evaluate the staff’s reaction to different situations and decide if employees need additional training. 

Compromise Assessment

We identify evidence of ongoing or past intrusions in your environment, assess weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your security architecture, and define missing and bad IT and cybersecurity practices. Utilizing the actual database of indicators of compromise, patterns of malicious behavior, and memory forensic tools our experts evaluate network traffic, servers, endpoints, and logs to answer the question of whether your organization has been breached. 

Identification of compromised systems and bad practices will help you see your organization’s systemic risks and exposures as well as increase your ability to respond effectively to future incidents.


Reverse Engineering with Ghidra

Ghidra enables flexible configuration and is designed to facilitate multi-user work on the same reverse project. 


Operation ShadowHammer

Last year, a group of state-sponsored hackers cracked the ASUS Live software update server and implanted malicious updates installing backdoors on more than one million Windows computers worldwide.


Phishing of DHL accounts

Today we are going to discuss a case study of elementary phishing and, as usual, it’s a real-life example.

Malware Analysis & Reverse Engineering

We analyze malware samples to understand the anatomy of an attack, extract indicators of compromise and examine whether the computer infrastructure has been breached. Utilizing the most advanced technologies and expertise ISSP Labs & Research Center offers solutions that make a difference.

Digital Forensic Investigations

ISSP Labs conducts digital investigations, collects and analyzes evidence of cyber attacks. The forensic work is performed following the latest international standards and procedures. Our experts keep track of the latest cyber threats and TTPs used by threat agents and, from that perspective, identify even the most difficult to find evidence of cyber attacks.

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