ISSP Co-founder & Chairman Oleh Derevianko has joined the Global Cyber Security Group as a founding member. This initiative was launched by the Aspen Institute and was announced at the seventh annual Aspen Cyber Summit in New York City.
Chaired by European Parliament Member Marina Kaljurand of Estonia; Singapore’s Cyber Security Agency CEO, David Koh; and US-based Rapid7 President & CEO Corey Thomas, the group was created to address pressing international cybersecurity challenges.
The group consists of a broad and varied collective of approximately 40 leaders pulled from allied and like-minded nations around the world who share a commitment to preserving peace and freedom online. Members include current and former government representatives, industry leaders and tech executives, and academics and civil society thinkers.
‘It is an honor to be part of such a timely and significant initiative. We at ISSP are fully committed to contributing our knowledge and expertise to the purpose of making global cyberspace more secure and resilient' - Oleh Derevianko said.
Oleh also participated in the discussion at Aspen Cyber Summit, an event that gathered top officials from the NSA, CIA, FBI, Treasury Department, Pentagon, FTC, DHS, White House, and more. He shared some of the insights from more than a decade of our work serving both private and public sector clients at the frontlines of cyber war along with Mieke Eoyang, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy, Department of Defense, and Gary Steele, President and Chief Executive Officer, Splunk Inc.
Aspen Cyber Summit is an annual gathering that brings together top leaders from business, government, academia, and civil society to discuss the world’s urgent cyber issues. It’s the third time Oleh Derevianko participated in The Aspen Cyber Summit and the second time as a speaker.