The Frida toolkit is a powerful dynamic instrumentation tool for developers, reverse engineers, and security researchers. This blog post will provide an overview of the Frida toolkit, discuss its benefits, and outline how to use it for both basic purposes.
Introduction to Frida - Dynamic Instrumentation Toolkit
The Frida toolkit is a free, open-source dynamic instrumentation tool that allows users to modify and inject code into running applications in order to analyze their behaviour. It can be used for tasks such as reverse engineering, debugging, and security testing. It supports multiple platforms, including Linux, macOS, Windows, iOS, Android, and QNX.
The biggest benefit of using the Frida toolkit is that it allows you to quickly analyze processes without having to modify source code or recompile the software. This makes it ideal for tasks such as debugging, where time is a factor. It also has powerful features such as memory scanning, which allow you to quickly find data in memory without having to manually search through every byte of data.
Frida: Working Principle
To better understand how Frida works, it's important to first take a look at its general structure. The two main components of Frida are the frida-agent and the frida-gum modules. The former is a payload that is loaded into the target application, while the latter is the main module responsible for implementing the JavaScript code that interacts with the target's memory.

Frida offers an extensive range of functionality through its various modules, which include:
• Interceptor - a module responsible for intercepting calls.
• Stalker - an internal "tracer."
• Cross-platform module for monitoring processes/threads, memory scanning.
• Code generation module (*Writer, for example, X86Writer, ArmWriter).
• Code relocation module (*Relocator, for example, X86Relocator, Arm64Relocator).
• Heap profiler and controller.
One of the key benefits of Frida is its flexibility. While frida-agent provides an interface that is usually accessed by the main frida-core module, developers and researchers can also write their own custom scripts using languages like Python to achieve their specific goals.
Getting Started with Frida
To get started with the Frida Toolkit you will need to install it on your system along with any dependencies that are required for your platform (e.g., Python). Once installed, you will need to configure your environment by setting up a workspace where you can store scripts and other resources associated with your projects. From there you can start writing scripts in either JavaScript or Python, which will allow you to interact with processes running on your system.
Let’s start exploring a practical example of using Frida to intercept a message in a well-known application.

For our example, we'll use the Fant0m crackme #1, which is a popular application among reverse engineers and security enthusiasts (you can download it from this repository
The first step is to install Frida, which can be done by running "pip install frida" in the command prompt. In our case, we want to intercept the messagebox call, so we need to look for the relevant function in the application.
Using Frida's Interceptor module, we can easily intercept the messagebox call and modify its behaviour. This is achieved by writing a small JavaScript code snippet that uses the Interceptor.attach() method to attach a callback function to the desired function.

Firstly, we need to specify the crackme file's name as the first argument when running the script, like "python CRACKME1.EXE".
Then, we load the script code from a text file, script.js, and start the process, which is frozen by default. We then load the script into the implant, which is automatically loaded into the process. After unfreezing the process, all of our actions will be based on script.js.
For our example, we want to change the text that is displayed when any MessageBox appears. We start by finding the relevant function in the user32.dll library using the Module.findExportByName() method, which is MessageBoxA. We then use the Interceptor module to attach a hook to the function's call.
Interceptor.attach(Module.findExportByName("user32.dll", "MessageBoxA"), {
onEnter: function(args)
// here will be the code used when the function is triggered
To log the fact of the call and display the text used in the message, we use the onEnter() function of the Interceptor.attach() method. We then use console.log() to log the fact that the MessageBoxA function is executed and print the message's text to the console.
console.log(“Execute MessageBoxA”)):

Changing the text is straightforward, and we can do it by allocating memory for a new string and replacing the existing one in the args[] array.
var message = Memory.allocUtf8String("It`s work");
args[1] = message; //args[1]

However, there is a tricky moment. If we allocate memory for the string inside the onEnter() function, we will encounter errors because the JavaScript garbage collector will release the memory after the function is exited. To avoid this, we need to allocate memory for the string outside the function.
More practical materials can be found here:
Advanced Uses of Frida Toolkit
Frida is an extremely robust and versatile tool that can be leveraged for various purposes such as modifying original binary images, bypassing SSL pinning, and decrypting encrypted traffic.
Security testing with Frida allows developers to scan their applications for potentially malicious bugs, as well as analyze any ongoing misbehaviours in order to restore stability. As the open-source dynamic instrumentation toolkit entails, Frida can be proficiently used for runtime manipulation and code instrumentation, making it ideal for security testing.
There are numerous examples of such use cases, as attackers have been known to use components of the libraries provided by Frida such as shellcodes or network monitoring techniques in order to gain access to confidential information. Therefore, using the powerful features provided by Frida can help administrators mitigate potential risks and offer unprecedented security assurance against various cybersecurity threats.
Summary of What You Learned about Using the Frida Toolkit
Frida is a leading Dynamic Instrumentation Toolkit, allowing developers to easily analyze and alter applications. It has been extensively tested across numerous use cases, providing users with a reliable tool for deep analysis in a range of contexts. Developers from all industries can trust the versatility and power of Frida, making it an excellent choice for wide-scale projects. Examples of successful use cases are regularly shared among users, demonstrating the potential that this battle-tested tool can offer. With its many benefits, Frida offers developers an impressive array of features at all levels.
Want to know more about Reverse Engineering? Check out our Reverse Engineering with Ghidra article.
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