Phishing is an attempt to acquire personal information such as usernames, passwords, financial information etc. To have a better understanding of phishing e-mails and how it works lets take a look at a real-life phishing attempt happened to the PayPal user.
PayPal user phishing case study
Lets analyze a simple case of phishing and take a look at the following e-mail:

What information do we seem to get from this e-mail?
This e-mail was allegedly sent by PayPal.
It says that your PayPal account has been blocked, but you may restore it by opening an html-file following the “instructions”.
The html-file is attached.
To start with, let’s look at the headers:
Return-Path: <Ѓg>
Received: from ([]) by
(8.14.7/8.14.7) with ESMTP id u52FCIcl007805 for <>; Thu, 2
Jun 2016 18:12:19 +0300
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 18:12:18 +0300
Received: from ([]) by
with Microsoft SMTPSVC(8.5.9600.16384); Thu, 2 Jun 2016 11:55:06 -0300
From: PayPal <>
Subject: Your Account Has Been Limited
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="9b53dcd6f3cb7f23731e8f4a851ac1a1"
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Even this superficial inspection shows that the e-mail was not sent by PayPal:

If we had been more careless and run the attached file, we would have seen the following:

We see an alleged page for restoring our PayPal account, where we have to complete a form by entering our personal details (including our password!).
Let’s take a look at the file on the inside. We can see that part of the html-code is encrypted. In this way, the intruder is concealing the malicious code. Also, the file contains a JavaScript-code which, if you run the file, decrypts the malicious part of the code.
On the screenshot below, we can see the part of the encrypted html-page:

The next screenshot demonstrates the decrypting mechanism written in JavaScript:

In the html-page decrypting mechanism, we can find the line responsible for running the decrypted html-page:

Let’s change part of the JavaScript-code by depriving it of the possibility to run:

As a result, we will get a safe way to study the decrypted html-page code.
In the decrypted code, we will see that all the information from the fields to be completed is sent to the official PayPal website:

However, if we further look at the JavaScript-code, we will see that all the information from the field to be completed is also sent to, which certainly is not related to PayPal in any way:

Next, let’s find the IP-address this domain was assigned to in the past. To do this, we may use the following resource, for example: (

We also can see what domains were assigned to this IP-address before. As you can see, most of them had stories with improper activities, including Hacking, Port Scanning, Brute-Force, dDos, Forum Spam, Ping of Death:

Stay alert when you check your e-mails, especially when it’s about credit cards or bank accounts. Pay special attention to the link in the address line which is used to request your personal data.
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